We had a picnic at a park. With more ducks running around than I've ever seen in my whole life! The kids LOVED it! We gathered some feathers to take home.
Each of the kids chose a color of paint and painted with a feather. This was a BIG hit!
S is 4, so he was ready for a little extension to the project. His momma taught him how to press the feather in paint and stamp it onto the paper.
Tiffany also drew each of the girls a duck picture and they glued the extra feathers onto their ducks.
We let the feathers dry and then put them in a little basket in the learning room so Q could revisit them.
Love how much fun the kids had with this easy, free project, and how we were able to extend our outing to a great learning experience. With younger ones you can talk about feathers and how they keep ducks warm/cool (the right temperature) and how they keep water off their bodies. Older ones can examine the parts of the feather--they can look at the hollow shaft and the downy parts and even the parts of the feather that "zip" together.
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