Our dinner table is our spot to keep a seasonal nature round. Ours is a piece of log with holes drilled in it for candles. We decided this week to make some new candles and use the beeswax candle set we'd gotten for Christmas! It's very simple to use--you cut the wick and roll up the wax sheets. You can add embelishments if desired. We went mostly simple this time--a few plain and a bit of decorating. Q loved it, but I would say that it was on the edge of her ability level. She's 4.5 and it was a little tricky for her to roll up the candle tightly and evenly, but she was able to do it with some help. We both had so much fun making our candles!

Here's our table scape for winter:
-I felted the snow fairy out of a felted wool sweater, white roving, a snowflake cut from some scrap fabric, and metallic silver yarn for embelishment.
-a small blue vase (that belonged to my Grandmommy) filled with white clovers we found in the field--because the Snow Fairy loves all things white.
-some clear "jewels"
-pipecleaner snowflakes
-"snow" (cotton)

-some leaf skeletons we found in the field where a pond had begun to dry up
-some moss and lichens on a piece of bark

We really enjoy having a space to keep and look at some seasonal treasures. Q also found a couple tiny white stones and tiny snail shells that were white that she put on the table, as well! We enjoy lighting the candles at dinnertime and looking at all our treasures anytime we're gathered around the table. My kids love contributing to the collection and changing stuff out over the course of the seasons.
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