I never finished up our Lent/Easter posts...Another fun activity we did together was making a Ressurrection Garden. I had a rock with a hole in it from a fountain I had at our other house. I'd saved the rock all these years knowing someday I'd need it for something. It came in PERFECT as a tomb! Quinn and I worked together (though she was far more interested in looking for roly polys) to choose some plants, add the rocks and moss, and set up our garden. We talked about the resurrection story as we worked.

Sunday morning I got up early for a sunrise service. Matt came later to church with the kids. I left Q's garden on her little table with a sign on which I write "He is Not Here!" as a surprise for her to wake up to on Easter morning. For some reason a basket full of "stuff" for her wouldn't work out for me this year. I just couldn't fit that into the focus I wanted our family to have on Jesus and not on ourselves. And ya know what--she was REALLY excited to see this on her table and to take away the stone and peek inside. I daresay as excited as she would have been over a basket full of jellybeans and bubbles. I have a lot more to say about this, and hopefully I'll get that post up soon! But in the meantime, here are pictures of our Easter garden. We got the idea from all the great ones circling out there on the Internet. :)
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