In my quest to do ART (as opposed to crafts--and we DO still do crafts, but try to balance them) I have been trying to find a use for all sorts of things around the house instead of throwing them away. I organized all my embroidery thread this week and had lots of short little scraps left over. I decided to teach Quinn how to dip them in a glue solution and drop them onto paper to create a "mixed medium." She wanted to cut our paper in an egg shape, so I did. Then we both had fun making our string creations. Hers is on the right if you can't tell. :) We learned about glue solutions--we had to keep stirring it because the glue settled to the bottom of the water (yea---science concept here!!) and I didn't put in enough glue because some of the string didn't stay stuck down when dried. We have plans to try this again with a stronger glue solution (and my girl learned the word "solution" through this project, too!!). What a fun way to put our repurposed art supply to use!

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