Sunday, January 29, 2012
Calendar introduction

Posted by DL at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Stick Snowflakes
First we painted popsicle sticks. If you don't have any on hand, use real sticks broken to the same length.
We mixed paint to get the colors of our choosing. I did a greenish blue and Q made purple.

They look so festive and pretty and wintery in our window above our snowflake garland!!
Posted by DL at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, fine motor, learning room decorations, monthly curriculum, seasons, winter
Collage Compartments

We made a college together today so I could teach her how to use the objects. I spread glue in a heart and she placed and chose the objects. We made this for her great grandparents, and she insisted in writing "Thank you for going to the doctor" on it. :) Cute.
Looking forward to seeing her creativity when she does some independent collaging this week!
Posted by DL at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, fine motor, tablework
Monday, January 23, 2012
Prayer Journal
Our church is going through a series on prayer right now. We were challenged Sunday to pray more deeply and regularly (and to focus in on all the elements of prayer--not just asking for stuff!) and were given a prayer journal to use throughout the next couple of months. Also, the children were given their own prayer journals, on a more simple level. LOVE these--and we'll be doing it with Quinn for sure! Wanted to share the link in case anyone wanted to download it or just take a look and use your own notebook to make one for your kiddos!
Posted by DL at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: religion
Cracking Peanuts
Posted by DL at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: cooking, fine motor, Montessori, practical life, tablework
Wax shaving Hearts
Quinn and I made some hearts this morning. She really enjoyed it and it was easy and fairly quick!
First we sharpened crayons (wonderful fine motor for older preschoolers!!!). I let her choose two crayons at a time so the colors melted together nicely. To many colors tends to turn black or brown. She tried the sharpener a bit, but it was hard for her to put enough pressure on the crayon while she turned, so I did most of the sharpening. You can also run a crayon over a cheese grater if you don't have a sharpener.
Then I cut hearts out out of wax paper--two of each heart for a top and bottom.
We stacked up about 8 sheets of paper from our scrap box, laid down one wax heart, sprinkled it with the shavings, topped it with the second heart and 2-3 more pieces of paper and ironed it!

By the way, after all of this lovliness Q threw a big tantrum about some random thing, so she spent a cool down time in her room and heart-making came to an abrupt halt. :)
Posted by DL at 10:17 AM 0 comments
A little clean-up

This is an activity that ages with children. It can first be introduced to very young toddlers (you can forgo the spray bottle and just offer a damp sponge or washcloth initially) and is enjoyed even by older children.
Posted by DL at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: cleaning, practical life
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Cutting Work
Through practice children learn the skills needed to cut efficiently--how to hold the scissors, how tight to hold the paper, how to turn the paper, etc.
Often children are given "scissoring sheets" with lines to cut, and I do think that is okay in doses, but I've seen those overused many times in early childhood. Children really seem to enjoy unstructured exploration with scissors--and they learn the skills just as well this way at their own pace.
Note--magazine paper is a lot trickier to cut than construction paper--for newbies I use the cardstock inserts in magazines--those annoying little cards that try to get you to buy stuff or subscribe to the magazine. I put those out in a basket with some scissors. The stiffness of the paper makes them easier to cut.
Also, if you want to use this activity with older infants and young toddlers, instead of having them cut the magazine, they can practice tearing it. This is a precursor to cutting!
Posted by DL at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, fine motor, preschoolers, toddlers, work shelf
Posted by DL at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: dress up, fine motor, imaginary play
Pinecone Centerpiece
Posted by DL at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: learning room decorations, nature, science
Baby Teether
Made of plain wooden beads (not finished) strung VERY securely on some black and white ribbon. I use a lighter to gently seal the ends to prevent fraying. It's the favorite teething toy of our little man right now and the circle shape keeps him from gagging himself with it while making it easy to hold onto because it slips over his hand.
Posted by DL at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Soap Grating
I make my own detergent for cloth diapers, so the grated soap goes into this mix at our house.
You can also add it to running water at bath time, put it into a bowl of water and use egg beaters to make bubbles, or just use it for handwashing.
Remember that most children need several experiences with an activity such as this to build up the concentration to stay with it for a length of time. The first time you introduce it, they may only want to work with it for a couple minutes, and that's okay. I had this out last night and my daughter would grate for about two minutes, go do something else a bit, come back, leave....she kept getting drawn back into it. Next time I know she'll have a longer attention span for this activity.
She also had fun exploring the different sized holes and how they changed the grated pieces. When Daddy got home she incorporated some dramatic play, pretending she was making him cheese.
Posted by DL at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: cleaning, development, fine motor, Montessori, practical life
Friday, January 6, 2012

Posted by DL at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: development, gross motor, infant, tutorials
Beck's spot

This is a great place for propping up a book and providing a choice of two toys for him to wiggle forward and get!
He LOVES cooing to the handsome baby in the mirror!!
Posted by DL at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: development, infant, organization, work shelf
A little change up
I love our breakfast room when it's filled with morning sunlight!!

She was excited to see her kitchen "in the kitchen" when she got up from nap and has already spent time playing with it.
Posted by DL at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: cooking, imaginary play, independence, organization
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Elf toy tutorial
This toy encourages bringing objects to his mouth, hand, arm, and wrist control, hand-to-hand transfer, and sensory exploration.

Posted by DL at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: development, infant, toys, tutorials

Posted by DL at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: books, development, infant
Playgym toys
Obviously we closely supervise him with this because it could be a strangulation hazard because of the ribbon.
At times I also attach some bells to the ring, so he also gets some auditory stimulation and can begin to make some cause and effect connections.

Posted by DL at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: development, infant, playgym, toys, tutorials