The illustrations are done in sihlouette's, which is a fresh change to see animals in a different style. At the end the momma duck kisses the baby and of course I always give Q a big smooch!
This story talks about babies born in different places around the world and how they all have ten fingers and toes. A beautiful introduction to the idea that even though people come from different backgrounds, we also share common similarities. Every time it talked about fingers and toes we found Q's and I kissed them. At the end the Mommy kisses her baby 3 times on the nose, and you can just guess what I have to do!
These are sweet books at a good developmental level and length for most 14-month olds. I like that they are pretty different in regards to the type of illustrations. I KISSED is bright, bold and simple. TEN LITTLE is more muted, realistic and busier. Children benefit from experiencing "their world" through different visual styles in stories, so I try to use as many different genres of illustration as possible.
I got these both from the library.