Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ocean Shelf Work

A few plastic ocean animals put out at a time on a tray.  I have more to rotate over the course of our studies.  I will limit it to just a few at a time so my kids can really focus in on the ones put out.  We'll talk casually about their names, facts we've learned through our reading, and Q and I may do a little research in our ocean reference books if the mood strikes us!

She has her own basket of "choking-sized" shells we keep up out of Baby Boy's reach.

These shells are larger and baby-proof.  I also borrowed these supercool ocean specimans for our unit!

3 board books for little man to peruse.  We also use them during circle time.  3 is a good, managable number for a little guy like him! Re-reading them builds fluency, comprehension and interest as he grows to know what will happen next and begins to anticipate the next pictures!
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