Monday, December 10, 2012

Advent Week 1

Matt sliced us a piece of trunk from a tree he'd taken down.  He drilled holes for our 4 Advent candles.  Quinn was so excited to put the first one in on Monday.  More on that further in the post. 

Monday night we used our pine pieces to make a wreath. 

We talked about the first candle--the candle of Hope.  We discussed the fact that we can have hope because God is faithful and always keeps His promises--such as his promise to send a savior!
Quinn practiced writing HOPE on her little chalkboard.  She wrote it so beautifully and then wanted to decorate, so you can't really see her writing, but she enjoyed the artistic process and I had to let go and be okay with that. :)  We also lit our candles from Advent spiral until they melted down to nothing. 

She erased later in the week and had another go at it.  She ran out of room on the E so she put the legs facing toward the left.  Love it.  She also likes to have a choice over how many legs E has.  Usually its way more than 3.  And that pretty much sums up the personality of our girl!

We're memorizing a verse together that goes along with the first candle of Hope.  Wow, that girl can memorize fast and she is keeping me on my toes.  We practice it in the car mostly, and give each other thumbs up if we do well.  I'll get it on video later today.  For some reason there is nothing more precious than my daughter quoting scripture from memory. 

We are really enjoying our Advent season.  I am trying hard to keep it focused on the process and not the product. 
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