Every year I make my own gift tags. I try to only use supplies I already have on hand. Yup, Martha would be so proud. (Don't tell her the real reason is because I am CHEAP!)
So here is this year's concoction....little pine tree tags. Easy peasy! Here's how:
1) Cut cardstock into fourths lengthwise (in the teaching world we call it "the hotdog way" as opposed to "the hamburger way"). So if a sheet of paper is 8.5 across, you will end up with 4 strips that are 2.25X11.
2) I crimped mine by running them through this little hand crimper, a dollar store find a few years back. If you wanted to accordian fold them, you could do that.
3) Using green paper, tear triangles that are roughly shaped like trees. (I keep all my scrap paper in a big accordian folder and sort it by color in the different slots. I raided my green compartment for this project. I just used solids, but patterened paper would look nice, too!
4) cut a little trunk out of brown cardstock (or you could draw with marker)
5) Embelish as desired. I used stick-on jewels. Buttons, sequins, rick-rack, markers, stickers, glitter....anything would work great!
6) Trim tag to fit tree.
7) I burnished the edges by rubbing them against an old brown stamp pad I keep expressely for this purpose. You could also use the edge of a brown marker or some paint.
I wrapped my presents in brown craft paper or red paisly paper. I also had a yard of brown burlap. I cut one-inch wide strips and used them to tie around the package (I actually hot glued the burlap and also the tag).
Now....how to include your kiddos!!! Here are some modifications:
-preschoolers could cut tree shapes (you could draw lightly for them to cut on the line)
-for young children to do gluing, I suggest a small container (cut-apart egg carton, baby food lid, milk jug top, etc.) and a toothpick. They can dip the toothpick in the glue.
-This could make a cute teacher or grandparent christmas card
-you could turn this into an ornament to be given as a gift
-children could decorate all of the tree instead of just the top
-give older children the task of cutting the paper into four equal strips. Let them figure out the math with a sheet of scratch paper to practice on. Even first graders are up to a task like this! (suggest some folding if they get stuck....)
So here is this year's concoction....little pine tree tags. Easy peasy! Here's how:
1) Cut cardstock into fourths lengthwise (in the teaching world we call it "the hotdog way" as opposed to "the hamburger way"). So if a sheet of paper is 8.5 across, you will end up with 4 strips that are 2.25X11.
2) I crimped mine by running them through this little hand crimper, a dollar store find a few years back. If you wanted to accordian fold them, you could do that.
3) Using green paper, tear triangles that are roughly shaped like trees. (I keep all my scrap paper in a big accordian folder and sort it by color in the different slots. I raided my green compartment for this project. I just used solids, but patterened paper would look nice, too!
4) cut a little trunk out of brown cardstock (or you could draw with marker)
5) Embelish as desired. I used stick-on jewels. Buttons, sequins, rick-rack, markers, stickers, glitter....anything would work great!
6) Trim tag to fit tree.
7) I burnished the edges by rubbing them against an old brown stamp pad I keep expressely for this purpose. You could also use the edge of a brown marker or some paint.
I wrapped my presents in brown craft paper or red paisly paper. I also had a yard of brown burlap. I cut one-inch wide strips and used them to tie around the package (I actually hot glued the burlap and also the tag).
Now....how to include your kiddos!!! Here are some modifications:
-preschoolers could cut tree shapes (you could draw lightly for them to cut on the line)
-for young children to do gluing, I suggest a small container (cut-apart egg carton, baby food lid, milk jug top, etc.) and a toothpick. They can dip the toothpick in the glue.
-This could make a cute teacher or grandparent christmas card
-you could turn this into an ornament to be given as a gift
-children could decorate all of the tree instead of just the top
-give older children the task of cutting the paper into four equal strips. Let them figure out the math with a sheet of scratch paper to practice on. Even first graders are up to a task like this! (suggest some folding if they get stuck....)

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