Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sorting Collage
She is SOOOO interested in gluing. We also made a collage of mowers from the Sears ad and another collage of familiar foods from the grocery store circulars. Q had fun applying her own glue for these collages! Of course she stuck her finger in the glue and then tasted it. After all, she IS 21 months! :)
Posted by DL at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, fine motor, science, tablework
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day Card
We've been waiting until today to post these pictures because we didn't want Daddy to see the card before the big day!

We glued the hands onto brown cardstock, and then glued that onto a folded piece of light blue paper to make a card. Under each finger we wrote something Q loves about her Daddy....I tried to think of simple ones that would be good memories of things they do together that they might forget in a year or two.

Posted by DL at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Up, Up, Up!

Down, down, down for a great big kiss (tip baby upside down)
Up like this (lift again)
Down like this (tip again)
'Cause you're my special baby! (pick baby up and hug her)
Quinn absolutely adores this rhyme, and she's not even really a baby! She loves for me to leave the end off and let her say, "special baby," which is so precious in her sweet little voice! She has fun when we lift and lower her really fast, but even tiny infants could participate in a gentler fashion.
This rhyme teaches great positional words!
Posted by DL at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: fingerplays, infant, literacy activities, music and songs
Fun with Music
Q will randomly start one of the pages aloud to me, even when we are away from the book, wanting me to finish reciting it for her. I can already see that she is acquiring great concepts about rhythm, rhyme, body parts, vocabulary, memory, and comprehension. Also the book has a beautiful cadence the text follows that is so much fun to read aloud!!
I would definitely recommend checking this one out at the library!!
Posted by DL at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: body awareness, books, fine motor, literacy activities, music and songs
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Our favorite fingerplay right now....
Baby Quinn shall have a tickle (tickle her sides).
One for her nose (touch nose),
one for her toes (touch toes),
and one for her tummy where the hotdog goes! (tickle tummy!)
This is Q's current favorite fingerplay....
I leave the end word out of each line and let her say it. She LOVES for me to tickle her toes!
Even a little baby can begin to understand cause and effect as they learn that the words have certain actions corresponding to them.
The rhyming begins teaching letter patterns, a fabulous early literacy skill.
Plus, you just can't help but have fun saying this one!
Posted by DL at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: body awareness, fingerplays, infant, literacy activities
Volcano Fun
Day one--they made a batch of brown playdough (great recipes to be found via the internet) to represent the mountain.
Day two--they made a batch of black playdough to represent the ash.
These two activities involved great math skills such as measuring and counting, pratical life skills of stirring and cooking, gross motor skills of kneading the dough, and science skills as the children observed the changes of states of the ingredients--from a liquid to a solid.
Day three--they made a volcano by covering a plastic cup with the two colors of playdough, forming a volcano shape, and adding flowers, ferns, etc. They used artificial foilage, but you could also use sticks and leaves and even dirt from the yard. And no forgetting the dinosaurs!!
Day four--Volcano explosion day!! Mix vinegar and food coloring in a measuring cup (about 1 c. liquid total, but precision does not matter here), pour about 1/4 c. baking soda into the volcano cup, then add the vinegar/food coloring mixture and watch the volcano do it's thing!! If the volcano stops bubbling, add more baking soda and then more vinegar.
The children talked about volcano vocabulary--hot, ashes, magma, explosion, was a wonderful exploration and they were so amazed!
I have done this outside with my older students and just printed the directions and let them try to follow them on their own. They went crazy for this! Best of all, the ingredients are very inexpensive!! If you don't have plastic dinosaurs, you could make stand-up cardboard ones!!
Thanks for the pic, N!
Posted by DL at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, cooking, gross motor, imaginary play, math, science, tutorials
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Zoo!
I took my summer students to the zoo today....which reminded me of a zoo idea I wanted to share, as I know lots of families do the zoo in the summer!
Here is a song I use with the zoo:
This is the way we go to the zoo
Go to the zoo, go to the zoo.
This is the way we go to the zoo.
On a ______ morning (or afternoon, if applicable).
This is the way the tiger roars....
This is the way the elephant stomps....
I always look for examples of any opportunities for my preschoolers and primary students to create their own self-written books. Sometimes as a class, with each student creating a page, and other times each student makes their own book.
For the zoo song, each child could choose an animal, write their own verses following the pattern, and illustrate the picture. For pre-writers, a parent could write the verse, or allow the child to write the letters/words they know.
If you take photos at the zoo, you could tape the photos in the book and write verses about the animals pictured!
Today while I was at the zoo with my big uns, I couldn't help thinking how much Q would LOVE every animal we saw! We have a zoo trip on our summer agenda when my parents come to visit, for sure! And I am thinking we will definitely use the zoo song to make a book after our trip!
Posted by DL at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, books, literacy activities, music and songs, writing
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Bubble Painting!

I had to tape the bubble wrap on two sides down to the art try to keep it from shifting around as she painted. Masking tape would be ideal, I think, because the scotch tape kept pulling off the wrap. However, I didn't want to leave Q with paint and run out to the garage, so I just kept re-sticking it.
The next thing we did was press some scrap paper onto the painted bubbles. It left neat circle prints all over the paper! So pretty...I am imagining what it would look like if you painted each bubble a different color and then stamped. Older kids could totally do that and it would look great! Would also make great background for a project paper--or even wrapping paper! You could do it on a brown paper sack to turn into a custom gift bag!!
We loved this project and plan to do it again!! I am working to come up with a neat use for the yellow-painted bubbles, too!
Posted by DL at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: art, fine motor, free materials
Friday, June 11, 2010
Color Cards
Posted by DL at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, games, work shelf
Letter Soup!
Posted by DL at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: cooking, gross motor, imaginary play, literacy activities, tablework
Summer fruit magnets
Posted by DL at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: cooking, free materials, magnet work
Goin' a little Old School with the cassette tape player!
We'll be using the cassette player a lot, I think! The library has tons of books on tape we can't wait to explore! Quinn also loves pushing the buttons, of course.
Posted by DL at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: books, literacy activities
Song "Cookies"
Posted by DL at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: fingerplays, literacy activities, music and songs
Yellow Bag
This activity is great for teaching beginning classification and sorting principles.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Yellow Book
I collaged photos with "yellow things" that I knew Q would be interested in. (I used Picasa to make my collages). I printed them out, laminated them, and tied them together into a book with yellow ribbon. You could also just cut and paste regular printed photos if you don't want to do it digitally.
Here is the cover--I incorporated some of her artwork.

And a few of the pages:

This incorporates literacy and print awareness (we will start pointing out the word "yellow" in the text as well as names of family members and Q's own name), vocabulary development, and color skills. We can add in some math by counting some of the objects!
Posted by DL at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, books, literacy activities, tutorials
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Cats and Dogs Collage
She was so proud to show Daddy when he got home! She likes pointing out the puppy's claws and collar and the kitty's paws--great vocabulary work!
Junkmail makes great impromptu art projects for toddlers!
Posted by DL at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, fine motor, science, tablework
Yellow Collage
She explored the glue by sticking her fingers in it, dotted it with her finger on the edge of the art tray, and stuck her fingers together in it. She also enjoyed sticking the ribbon pieces down and then taking them off again. I, of course, allow her to do this, but explain to her that when we glue we want our work to get stuck to the paper. After we glue each piece, we turn the paper upside down so she can see it is stuck.
Glueing is still a very new activity for her, so it usually doesn't go perfectly, and sometimes she's only interested in gluing for 2-3 minutes. That's okay....she's learning!
Posted by DL at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: art, fine motor, tablework