Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Changing out our work spaces

Yesterday was that time again.  Time to change out our wintery items in our playroom to things more springy.  The best way I know to do it is to empty my cabinet of "stuff" shelf by shelf (remember my shelves are grouped by language, science, math, music, fine motor, etc.) and get out anything I want to put out for this season, and put away items in the playroom we're done with for now.  It makes a big mess and it's time-consuming, but it's worth it!  I consider the biggest "teaching" responsibility to be developing a play area with materials that are relevant and stimulating to each of my children's current development. 

I am not finished and still have several other small changes I want to make and lots of items sitting in a basket that I still want to prepare, but I got the bulk of it changed out in about two hours yesterday.  My kids always get so excited to enter a freshly-changed playspace!
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