My yoga pants have a yellow band at the top, that isn't my bootie, by the way. :)
Posted by DL at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Advent
Advent started yesterday, and we are excited to head into this beautiful season. I am always a little apprehensive of "doing it right" and of course one of my strongest prayers right now is to get over that and let the Spirit guide our family as we prepare to celebrate the coming (s) of Jesus.
I will post these in more detail once I catch my breath (we got home from a 10 day cross-country, multi-stop roadtrip early yesterday morning, just in time for the dog to get skunked in the backyard...). However, we took a walk yesterday to gather pine for our advent wreath, the kids and I unwrapped our advent candles for the year (a gift from Mimi), and read a great book that sums up the story of Christmas. I put our advent wreath together and got it set up on the table. I started an Advent devotional for myself that I plan to follow through the season. I have instituted a month of "super easy dinners" so that I can use the kids' resttime for my study time instead of dinner prep. I also re-read all of my past blog posts on here that pertain to Advent. So powerful to re-read those reminders of the reason for Advent, and to remember where I was last year as I entered this season. Many things the same, and a few are different. If you want to read them (there are some GREAT quotes), you can click on the "advent" label on my sidebar.
Also, I am really loving this article:
Preparing Children for Advent (click)
I printed it out and am getting ready to sit down with my highlighter and pen to note things I want to use with my kiddos. I already have a devotional time planned for Quinn to use her Jesus Storybook Bible to go through some of the messages that lend understanding to this season of Advent. Don't worry, I will post once I get it fleshed out a bit more!
Also I purchased this e-book:
FEAST Real Food, Reflections, and Simple Living for the Christian Year
I read through it on our roadtrip and just LOVE it. It begins with Advent and carries on through the whole church year. I'd strongly recommend it!
Posted by DL at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Advent
Posted by DL at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: martinmas, spiritual development, tutorials
Sunday I knew I wanted to try something new with my kiddos during communion meditation time.
I brought some paper and some markers.
When communion began, I asked them to trace their hands. Well, Beck was far too interested in playing with the markers to comply. And that's fine. He'll be ready next week or a few weeks down the road when the markers lose their novelty. :)
Quinn happily traced her hand. I told her we were going to pretend this was Jesus' hand and asked her to draw nails and blood. She did so, then I spelled "Jesus' Hands" and she wrote it on her paper. She knows the verse "Jesus' hands were pierced and he was crushed for our sins, but by his wounds we are healed." (Is 53:5) I reminded her of this verse while we quietly whispered about her illustration.
Posted by DL at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: 5 years, art, communion, spiritual development
I mentioned some ideas I use with Little Man during communion time and wanted to share what I do with barely 5 year-old Q, as well.
To begin with, we often look through the Jesus Storybook Bible (I've referred to it a lot on this blog), specifically the pictures of the passion story. There's a great illustration of Jesus at the last supper with the disciples that we look at. During communion I put her in my lap and we quietly thumb through the pages and I talk to her about the stories and the meaning behind communion.
Then I also bring her "Stations of the Cross" set (linked up here) for her to work through. I love that this helps focus her attention on Jesus' sacrifice and see some visuals. I did make a couple changes--I replaced the rope with a tiny crown of thorns (the rope caused too much ruckus during worship as both my kids wanted it and fought over it). I also traced around the backs of the manipulatives on the cards so she could check herself. I wanted this activity to be something she could do independently while I had my own communion meditation. We keep the set in a little marker bag with two zipping sides--repurposed and works awesome. One side for cards and the other for manipulatives.
Posted by DL at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: 5 years, communion, spiritual development
Posted by DL at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: 18-24 months, 2 years, art
Posted by DL at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2 years, communion, spiritual development, toddlers
In a previous post I talked about the way we use the worship plans (prepared and provided ahead of time (via email) by our worship minister) to start preparing our 5 and 2 year-olds' hearts for worship earlier in the week. Usually on Thursday I get the email from Patrick with Sunday's schedule. At this point I scan through it and look for a song or two that I feel will connect with my kids, or maybe some they already know. I started out just picking one song a week, but after several months they are ready for two.
So this particular week I picked "Shout Hallelujah" because Beck loves saying the word "Hallelujah" and because it's an upbeat, fun song. I also picked "There's a Stirring," because it's an amazing song and also because I have an mp3 of it on my computer already. I often will create a cd for our car driving time with any songs I might already have (or if Patricks sends one out). That is really helpful for the kids--to hear it lots of times. And they even love continuing to hear it after the Sunday we've sang it. All of their very favorite songs were introduced in this way--I put them on a cd to get the kids ready to sing them the following Sunday and they still love to sing and listen to them.
Anyhow, we sang the two songs many, many times during our cartime this week. Sometimes even in the house. Q and I talked about what the "Stirring" song means. I am studying Revelation right now and I love sharing little bits of that book with her--she just eats it up because she is in a developmental stage where the imagery of dragons and horses and a green rainbow surrounding the throne are so very appealing to her. So when we talked about putting our crowns at Jesus' "wounded feet" (her favorite part) she knows what that means. And wow, this song is DEFINITELY not the same to me after my Revelation study.....so much deeper and I understand the implications more fully.
When Sunday came, my kids knew "Shout Hallelujah" would be the first song. That helped motivate all of us to get to church on time (a struggle for me, mostly) and they were anxiously awaiting the first song! Both of them sang along joyously. They didn't know several of the other songs, but I feel like they listen more intently to even the unfamiliar songs when we've spent some time becoming familiar with a couple, if that makes any sense. When "There's a Stirring" began, both sang along excitedly. It is the most precious thing to hear your five year old proudly belting out a praise song, let me tell ya!
I really feel that the few minutes spent practicing a couple songs (and maybe talking briefly about their meaning) has changed the way my children worship. They are much more focused on the actual worship elements than people-watching or needing crayons or something to keep them occupied. Typically the first 20 minutes of our worship time is spent in song, prayer and communion, and my kids are fairly focused and participatory during this time, which is a change for them from before we began using the prep time.
I have some more posts to share in the future about our Communion focus time with the kids.....I just need to find my pictures to post!
Encouraging you to spend a little time this week preparing the little hearts in your house to be participatory worshippers--and it will have an impact on your worship, too, I bet! Did for me!
Posted by DL at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: spiritual development
Posted by DL at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: 12-18 months, 18-24 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, books, development, free materials, literacy activities, oral language
Posted by DL at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2 years, cleaning, fine motor, Montessori, practical life, sensory, tablework