Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sneaking in some literacy

We keep books everywhere in our house and car....lately I have taken to keeping a couple little ones in my purse! We have so many small windows of time while we are waiting at the checkout, sitting in the car, waiting at a restaurant, etc. I get the little books out and Q gets a few extra minutes of book time! The best way to teach children how to read is to let them "read" or be "read to" at a young age.

I get these tiny books at the library--I always check out two or three tiny board books. You can see the first one is in Spanish. I am known for raiding the bilingual section as well as the English stash. Q reads through the pictures right now, so it doesn't matter to her if the text is French or Cambodian (we've had both in our house!). If she wants me to read it to her, I just make up words or we just talk about the pictures on each page.

Also...I am not a germaphobe at all....but I do wipe off the board books with a Chlorox wipe before I let Q touch them. They are usually pretty nasty!
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