Monday, February 8, 2010

Baby Moses work

I wanted to include a baby from the Bible, and I decided to go with Moses. I bought a board book at Mardel (it killed me to pay full price for a book, lemme tell ya!) after I asked around and checked the library and there were no Moses board books to be had. I found the little wire basket at Hobby Lobby in the clearance isle for $1.00. I love it and I bought 3 while I was there because I knew I'd use them for other work. I used an old-fasioned clothespin (bought at Michaels) and painted the head a brownish color (after all, Moses was from the middle east...) and then folded a scrap of fabric in half, cut a hole for Moses' head, hotglued the fabric to the clothespin, and used some burlap to make a belt.

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