We have a cupboard nearby with a basket of old washcloths that the kids have access to for any clean up that is necessary! They know to put completed pictures on the table if they want to paint another one! We have a little "training session" when I first get out the easel to show them how to use everything. Q is very helpful in getting water for her brother and taping up his paper, which is great!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
In Art News
We have a cupboard nearby with a basket of old washcloths that the kids have access to for any clean up that is necessary! They know to put completed pictures on the table if they want to paint another one! We have a little "training session" when I first get out the easel to show them how to use everything. Q is very helpful in getting water for her brother and taping up his paper, which is great!!
Posted by DL at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: 4 years, 6 years, art, development, fine motor, gross motor, independence
Books to read to First Graders/ Audiobooks for First Graders
Posted by DL at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: audiobooks, booklists for 1st graders, books, literacy activities
Thursday, August 20, 2015
On Our Nature Shelf....exploring rocks and gems
Note that my kids have been taught how to explore scientific objects properly--They take the whole tray/basket to the table and handle the items gently. Then they return the items to the shelf when finished. They also know these specimens aren't for playing with in other areas of the house, they are specifically for scientific exploration, so they won't be included in building a castle or hauled in mini dump trucks (we have other rocks for that!!)
I love these little Golden Guides and pick them up whenever I see them at used book stores or thrifting.
Putting this little display out for my kiddos really peaked their interest and both of them have enjoyed looking at, touching, and exploring the rocks and gems. Q will even use the book to try to identify them!
Obviously these rocks are more interesting than things we could find in our backyard, but we make some great nature displays even from our own area. Often we save rocks that have neat textures or shapes or sizes to put on our nature table, so don't be discouraged if you don't have something amazing.
Including kiddos in finding items for your nature table/shelf is always a hit. They feel ownership and pride and are so much more likely to use good stewardship for "their" items!
What's on your nature table/shelf/windowsill??!!!
Posted by DL at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Magnets for babies! Otherwise known as: How to keep babies busy while you cook.
One of the hardest times with babies (and sadly, still my two bigger ones) is the hour or so before dinner, when trying to cook, set the table, pull together the house a bit and little ones are wrecking havoc!
One thing that worked well with my two were magnets. I kept them up higher on the fridge, out of their reach until I needed them to keep a little person busy. Then I put them down at Baby Level and let her explore. I modeled for her how to slide them and how to take them off and put them on, and she quickly got the hang of it (she is 10 months). The funnest game is to take them all off, of course! And, like any activity, the first time yields an interest of approximately 2 seconds....but if you keep up the exposure and model repeatedly, they will build up their ability and interest in sitting and playing longer.
I have these old fruit magnets I got at a thrift store. I also have used large letter magnets, some laminated photos I glued magnets onto, dominoes I modge-podged photos onto, etc.
HERE is the link page to all my magnet posts...the ones particularly about babies are the older ones, so scroll down!! (there is also a link in my sidebar under "magnet work")
Besides keeping baby busy, working in this position builds cross-lateral connections in the brain (as their arms cross the midline as they grab at the magnets) and strengthens arm strength that will later be needed for fine motor skills such as using utensils, writing and cutting. Whoo-hoo!!
Standing babies enjoy magnets just out of their reach that they have to s-t-r-e-t-c-h up to grab and pull down. This makes them feel so accomplished!!
Posted by DL at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: 12-18 months, fine motor, gross motor, infant, magnet work, toddlers
In our churchbag......
I was cleaning some junk (old bulletins, etc.) out of our church bag today and decided it was a good time to post what we currently keep in that thing!
Right now we have Q (6) and B (newly 4) using the bag, along with a random couple of other kiddos that sit with us, so our bag is made for older preschool/younger elementary-aged kids.
First off, we expect our children to participate fully in worship during the first part (singing, prayer, scripture reading, etc.). We don't open the bag and our kiddos stand/sit and particpate just like everyone else. Usually Daddy holds one kiddo and I hold the other, or at least they stand next to us, with our friends (our church has a large urban bus ministry....) sitting between us. That helps us keep kids focused and attentive. If we have extra foster kiddos with us, we disperse them between us. :)
When communion starts, we let our kids begin to use items from our churchbag. These items are purposefully included to help our children meditate upon, participate in and understand the meaning of communion and Jesus' sacrifice. Q goes to children's worship after communion, but B stays in "Big Church" still and continues to use the items throughout the sermon time.
Typically I choose which child gets which item. This might be because they haven't done a particular item in a while and I'd like them to, because they are too antsy to use playdough well that day, or because I want two kids to share the markers between them. No matter what, they use what Mama hands them or nothing (and all of this has been discussed, taught and practiced beforehand...there is NO WAY you can introduce new items cold-turkey in the middle of church successfully, in my opinion....) We've already had a mini lesson with the item during the week. Or maybe just a short discussion on how to use it. Friends do a really good job of just following what my kids are doing with a few whispered directions from me/my kids. I love watching my kids include another friend into what they are doing and very quietly explain what to do!
We use a small canvas bag. I keep it packed and ready to go on our shelves by the back door and I am in the habit of grabbing it each Sunday on the way to church.
This is a sign language book I made--I looked up pictures for signs that go along with church words (worship, communion, pray, bread, sing, etc.) and put the picture and written directions onto cards. The child sitting next to me and I whisper the directions and do the signs in our laps. I love that many of the signs are designed based on the meaning of the word--for example, the sign for Jesus involves using your fingers like nails in your palms. Through using the signs for the words, children can participate in the meanings of the words and concepts in a kinesthetic manner.
I love art books. My kids have responded really well to this book, which I picked up at a thrift store. I often see similar items at the thrift store or Half Price Books, so picking up a used copy of Jesus art by the masters is a great idea. I like my kids to see the different concepts depicted in different ways. Of course we have had a discussion (sometimes in the car on the way to church is a good time for this) that these are from the artists' imagination, and that is why different artists depict the same scene different ways.
During communion I invite my kids to page through the books while sitting in my lap/next to me and in a whisper I provide some context about the pictures. Older kids can look at a picture and then use their Bible to find the text (which is usually listed next to the picture).
Inside the book I have this picture clipped, which my daughter loves. It's The Last Supper and has the apostles labeled, and also has a page of information about different symbolism in the painting. She loves to have this quietly read to her.
All kids seem to love these simple, vintage books. They are the stories of Jesus (this one is the crucifixion) depicted through simple stick figures. Matt or I read the book quietly to the child on our lap during communion or let them look at the illustrations independently.
We also have 2 small 3-ring binders. One has writing and drawing prompts. I keep them in clear page protectors and provide some vis-a-vis overhead markers for the children to write on the dry erase pages. I also keep spare paper at the end in case they want to draw something from the binder on their own.

I also love using the coloring sheets on the FLAME website--I usually chose those that pertain to communion or Jesus.
I also made a printable where the child copies Isaiah 55:3 and then traces their hand.
The other binder has our Playdough Mats--which are ways for younger kiddos (and older, too!) to respond to elements of Communion in a tactile, and age-appropriate way. I use either the mats from FLAME or some I have made myself, located on the sidebar of this blog. The playdough is only for completing the activities on the mat, not free play during this time. We have had great luck with this not being too messy of an activity. We of course keep the child working right next to us, and sometimes I don't hand them the whole cannister, just small balls at a time to work with. Also, I try to introduce new mats (and FOR SURE the concept of using a playdough mat) first in our home, not in the communion setting, so I can teach it and demonstrate it. Often I bring these out at the table while the kids are waiting on me to make lunch or dinner.
I keep the churchbag the same for several months at a time, but after my kiddos begin to lose interest in an item, I change it out.
HERE is a link to some other items that have been in our churchbag.
As you can see, we work to engage/talk (whisper!) with the kiddos all during the communion time to bring their attention to what is happening and why, and to build their understanding. We consider ourselves their mentors, as we guide them through some child-appropriate elements to help them draw meaning from communion time together.
Posted by DL at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: 3 years, 4 years, 6 years, communion, playdough mat, religion, spiritual development