Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Children's Books for Monet Artist's Study

The kids and I love to do artist studies for a couple months at a time.  We slowly digest the masterpieces of the artist (usually by looking through art books--I get these from the library, of course!!), learn about their life, try some art in their style, and just have fun looking at their work.

We love to read some great books (from the lib, of course!) about each artist.  For Monet, here are some of our favorites: (I'll add more as we read more!!)
My son, especially, loved the train book because he is crazy about trains.  

Laurence Anholt writes several art books for children and they are all lovely.  

This book (below) is AWESOME!  It has different activities kids can do to learn how to "See" more fully when they look at artwork (I learned a TON!) and then different art activities done to explore the style of the different Impressionists.  I used many of these activities as the basis for our weekly art exploration and all of them were a hit with my kids.  I strongly recommend this book!

Linnea is a longer book and is historical fiction about a little girl that visits Monet's garden on a tourist trip.  It has lovely illustrations, photos, tons of information and is just plain FUN to read!!!

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