Saturday, November 22, 2014

More travel activities for toddlers and preschoolers.

Found a few more of our favorites to add.

These magnetic color cubes are great!  I actually had a set at my Grandma's as a kid, so I played with them a lot, then my kids got a set.  They can all be stuck on to the metal box lid or the cookie sheet I recommend taking in the car!  The book is filled with design ideas, which is great for older kiddos!  Younger ones can just stick them on, sort them by colors, make shapes and lines, etc.  I will say those little cubes can get spread all over the car by the end of a road trip, despite the magnetic feature.  However at least they aren't sticky or melty, so they aren't bad to clean up.  :)  

These little things were a huge hit with Beck.  They are golf tees with the ends cut off and little game boards.  He never played the games correctly, just had fun sticking all the pieces in.  You could easily make this with a drillbit and the golf tees and a piece of wood (even a wooden shape from Hobby Lobby's unfinished wood section).  He could spend FOREVA' pulling them put and putting them back in.  Again, doing this activity on a cookie sheet in the car would help prevent pieces from rolling away during use.

This is something I made Quinn that she used a ton.  You can see how worn it is.  I just used a piece of cardstock, some large jewels, clear packing tape, and velcro.  I taped over one set of jewels.  Then I put a tiny piece of velcro in each matching spot, with the corresponding piece of velcro on the backs of the jewels.  The goal is to match the jewels.  Initially as an older infant she just liked pulling them off.  Then she liked putting them on, and eventually she'd get to where she could match them to the right spot.  Of course the complexity of this could be varied with the size and number of jewels.

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