Tuesday, May 15, 2012

12 Apostles Manipulative

We have been focusing on a different Bible story (sometimes two if it works out better that way) each week.  We read it in our various Children's Bible and usually do some kind of manipulative and drama to go along with it.  Never anything fancy, but we are really enjoying ourselves and our Bible study time!

After Easter we began to study the formation of the church.  First we talked about the transfiguration.  To go with all of this, we made a 12 apostles manipulative I found the idea for HERE.  Quinn loved getting to use my permanent markers.  She colored their clothes and I did the faces.  We also made Jesus. 

We use the sticks to sing the "12 Apostles" song.  We can also refer back to it as we read in Acts and hear mention of the different men.  Quinn is most fascinated by Judas and the fact that he "was not a good friend" (her words) and betrayed Jesus. 
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