Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Playgym update

Beck can sit up now, but is still loving his playgym, just from an upright angle!

We are doing some work with rainbows in our kitchen school curriculum, so I decided he needed some "rainboweyness" to his playgym. I used round metal ring clips and covered them with different items.

This one is cut up tshirt strips double knotted.

This one is just wrapped in silky orange ribbon.

And for this one I just sewed a piece of yellow fabric to make a long tube and threaded it on.

I tied each with a corresponding color of ribbon.....
Still to come are the rest of the rainbow colors. I haven't yet gotten to finish this project. :)

But the little man loves the rings and will chew them, bat at them, pull them, kick them......Great motor exploration!
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