Monday, February 6, 2012

Snow Painting

We've been reading SNOWBALLS by Lois Ehlert like crazy. It's the BEST winter book. So much fun and would be usable for ages infant through preschool. It has many different elements (such as objects you can find on the pages) to make it a great book for such a wide age span.

To go with our reading we decided to do a snowman project. We stretched it out over several days since all the steps involved drying time.

I made "Snow Paint" using:
*equal parts salt and flour (I used 1/2 c. each)
*and half as much water as you used for the salt (1/4 c. in my case)

Quinn LOVED painting and spreading it using a pastry brush and a popsicle stick.

I had provided her with the parts of a snowman cut out of construction paper.
This paint is HEAVY, so you might even want to use cardstock or cardboard.
It dries thick and shimmery and looks like snow! It's soooo cool and easy!
Then once it had dried we raided our pantry to find items to make our snowman. He had coffee bean eyes, a peanut nose and a cinnamon stick mouth. Instead of buttons we made a popcorn heart and found sticks outside for his arms. He turned out so cute!!!

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