Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Felt Food Play-spaghetti

I was making some other project and I ended up with a pile of white strips of felt. Of course you KNOW I couldn't throw it away. So I made Q a dish of play spaghetti. I raided my scrap box, cut up some red tshirt and used a bit of other fabic to stuff inside to make the meatballs "roundish." I used my sewing machine because it was already set up, but you could totally use hot glue or hand sew, too.

There are tons of fabulous tutorials out there on how to make every cuisine of felt food imaginable. Felt food is such a fun tool for play kitchens in encouraging pretend play! I encourage you to raid your castoff clothes or scrap box to make some felt food! Just one dish can bring a whole world of interest to your child's dramatic play area and inspire all sorts of fun.

I can imagine us streaming some Italian opera music on Pandora, spreading out a red checked napkin on Q's play table and pretending we have an Italian restaurant in our home. I can put out a little pad of paper for the waitress to take orders....all sorts of fun can come from a simple plate of play spaghetti!

If you have a baby, what about making some simple fruits from different felt and stuffing them to teach food vocabulary?

For older kids--bring out your scrapbox at the table WITH them and let them decide on foods to make! Yum and fun!!
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