Friday, December 2, 2011

December Learning Room

Q and I spent the morning changing the playroom over to "winter." We took the fall leaves off our branch and added glittery snowflakes and some bottlebrush woodland animal ornaments. I also found some maple shaving scraps from a woodworking project of Matt's and I used scissors to cut them into leaves and glued them onto the branch. They look so beautiful and wintery! I can never get a good picture of the branch because it's in front of the window and backlit.....But this kinda gives you an idea. We talked a lot about what the changing seasons mean and look like.
We changed the tablecloth to a Christmas fabric. I use cloth napkins as the tablecloths and we change them seasonally. We also got out a new teaset (it was in the cabinet as I rotate stuff often) to replace the basket of pumpkins that was the previous centerpiece.

We vacuumed, dusted, rearranged the nature shelf and of course got out CHRISTMAS BOOKS!!

And I put out some Christmas cards we received last year for Q to play with, write on, etc.

We have more seasonal additions, but I need to get pictures of them so I can post those, as well!
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