Thursday, August 25, 2011


We have been using 3 Billy Goats Gruff as our fairy tale focus in our Kitchen School these past few weeks because Q is so interested in the story.
Today we read the non-fiction book "Bridges" and talked about the different types of bridges pictured in it. I love to try to include as many good quality non-fiction books as I can in our curriculum as preschoolers and toddlers are heavily saturated with fiction in read alouds, but aren't exposed to nonfiction as much.

Then we got out our blocks and I started modeling for her how to build bridges. We got out cars and some little wooden people, who quickly became "trolls." Today during naptime I have high hopes for drawing out 3 billy goats on some wood and begging Matt to get my jigsaw down tonight so I can make her some goat play pieces to go with her bridges!

This activity promoted vocabulary skills (lots of new words in the Bridges book!), fine motor (through placing/balancing the blocks and the cars), spatial awareness, shape awareness, and dramatic play.
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