Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3 Billy Goats Gruff Playset

Today we broke in the Three Billy Goats Gruff playset!

I cut the three goats on the scrollsaw out of a scrap of mahogony (with a little help and a blade-change from my sweet husband). The troll was made out of a wooden doll figure. We used yarn, felt, and two purple beads for decoration. The grass is a piece of felt, and the bridge is some blocks!

We told, and retold, and retold AGAIN the story today. I left blanks for the little one to fill in the next parts, as I was orally telling the story. Then she took a spin at telling the story, of course moving the pieces along to match the story!

I put the pieces in a basket on the work shelf and hope they will make their way into her dramatic play! We'll also be continuing to retell the story, I am already sure! It was a definite hit!

Oral retelling of stories builds comprehension, acquisition of story elements (phrasing such as once upon a time, etc.), understanding of the components of plot, and the abilitiy to hold details in the memory and retrieve them again. Plus it's just good fun!!

We can also read our BGG book and use the pieces to correspond to the text!!
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