Thursday, June 2, 2011

A little re-arranging

Recently Q and I spent a little time re-arranging her playroom. All we did is move the art easel (which is temporarily serving as our flower shop) out of the corner and into a new location in front of the window. We moved her little table and chairs out of it's previous spot in front of the window and into the corner. Basically we just switched the locations of these two areas, moved her little cradle to a new spot next to the kitchen, and voila!

Children (and adults too!) enjoy an occasional change of scenery. Often times this leads to them playing with items that they seemed to have forgotten before--stirs up a renewed interest once they see their toys in a new place. I always try to keep my rule that I only switch two major areas at a time with toddlers. More than that can sometimes cause them to get a little anxious.

Some other small changes you can make to freshen up your play spaces and create renewed interest--
*change out the containers work/toys are stored in
*change out rugs
*re-arrange artwork
*hang something new from the ceiling or window
*change the tablecloth on a play table
*put away a couple of large toys and switch out for something new
(this past month I put away Q's shopping cart and got out the blue/wood cart you can see in the far left of the photo--she was so excited to see it make a reappearance as it had been put up for many months).
*switch out the dishes in play kitchen (I occasionally wash out food containers and switch them out to add something new--peanut butter jars, salsa jars, food cans, cake mix boxes, etc.)

If your child doesn't have a dedicated playroom, try doing this in their bedroom and see if they get excited over a change of scenery!

I tried to change some furniture around about once a month in my toddler/preschool classrooms and was always met with great excitement by my little ones!!
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