Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flower Planting

We are casually studying flowers in our learning room this month. Here is Q's favorite activity right now--flower planting.

I had Matt make this shredded brown paper last year for her to use in her sensory area just for digging and touching. This year I repurposed it! Her job is to fill the two little pots with "dirt," choose one of the plant tags to stick into the dirt and them add the flowers. She loves perusing the plant tags and choosing the one she wants.

This is a sometimes messy activity, as that shredded paper seems to multiply on the floor, but our dustbuster sucks it up marveously!

This activity encourages following multi-step procedures, practical life, fine motor, sensory awareness, and science skills.

Infants and younger toddlers can be given a tub of the shredded paper to dig in (with hands or a shovel), can be encouraged to fill a large pail with the paper, or even to transfer from one container to another (under adult supervision, of course).
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