Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Tree

Our learning room tree bloomed this weekend! There are green leaves and pink blossoms budding out everywhere, and several birds decided to make the limbs their home!

To make pink blossoms:
Cut a 1 inch X 8 1/2 inch strip of pink paper.
Roll it up from end to end .
Gently push your finger in one end so the top widens.
Tape the end down to secure.
Thread onto branch.

For leaves--
I cut green scrapbook paper and burnished the edges with a brown stamp pad.

We also added a pretty pink Japanese lantern I felt looked so springy!

We're spending lots of time noticing changes outside--the leaves budding, flowers on trees and in the grass, birds in our yard....Matter of fact, we have a male cardinal in our yard that is constantly singing while we eat dinner outside, so this weekend I picked up a fake cardinal for our learning room tree so it would match our outside friend!!
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