Friday, November 19, 2010

Turkey Songs and Fingerplay Book

For each "unit" or subject we study in Kitchen School, I make a little book of songs and fingerplays to go along with it. I keep this in my purse and we sing it in the car, store, etc. I also get it out for Circle Time a couple days a week so Q learns the songs and rhymes.

To make this book I traced a turkey cookie cutter on brown construction paper.
I glued a photo of a turkey (from Google Images) on the front of each turkey.
On the back I typed out each of the 4 songs/fingerplays I'd chosen and glued them on. I punched a hole, used a pipe cleaner to put them all together, and voila!
You can click on each photo for a larger version if you want to read the words of the songs/fingerplays.

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