Monday, November 8, 2010

Ice Crushing

Here's a new activity we're enjoying:
I fill a plastic ziplock bag with ice cubes and Q chooses one of her blocks and pounds away, crushing it.
It allows her to get out some of her energy, encourages both fine motor (grasping the block and wrist movement) and gross motor (swinging her arm) and hand-eye coordination (striking the block onto the ice). It makes a lovely LOUD noise that Quinn called "mumik!" After she's finished, she likes to open the bag and munch some ice. I steal the rest for my iced tea!

I like this activity to keep a hungry, melting-down little girl busy while I make lunch or dinner. And she thinks she is "eating" when she munches ice chips.

A small hammer would also work for this!

Later this week I want to teach her how to juice an orange, and then we'll pour it over some crushed ice for a yummy treat!
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