Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Buttons....

Don't overlook the power of simple learning materials you have around the house.

An egg carton and 12 buttons can provide fun and learning experiences for infants through preschoolers!

Infants--use large buttons that they won't choke on--or if you only have smaller buttons, string them onto yarn/string, tie a solid knot and let your babe slide them, dangle them, shake them, suck on them, all the while learning about color, texture, size, shape, and sound.

Toddlers and Preschoolers are ready for smaller buttons to encourage their pincer grasp.

Try to vary the texture, weight, material, color and shape of the buttons you provide.

Toddlers can practice one-to-one correspondance by putting one button in each egg cup. Preschoolers can sort by various categories--size, shape, color, number of holes (1, 2, 4), etc.

With a blunt needle the buttons can be strung on some yarn or embroidery floss, unstrung, and done again and again.
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