Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Brrrr! at Bathtime

Spotting all of Quinn's little plastic creepy-crawlies around the house reminded me of this great activity. I used it to bribe the two little boys I nannied for in college to take a bath at least once a week back in the day....so I figured it was time to introduce it to Quinn.

You can use either a dab of paint or food coloring to make the ice colored. I just add the color (paint) and try not to mix it around too much when I top it off with water so the ice has a splotchy coloring.

It melts in about 2 minutes, releasing the bugs or toy cars or whatever you hide inside.

Great opportunity to talk about the change from a solid to a liquid, to introduce vocabulary such as "melting" and "frozen." It's also a wonderful science lesson just to let the kids enjoy for the fun that it is!

For the record, Quinn was not at all interested in the ice when I put it in the bath. She instead wanted to wash her Papa's duck decoy she keeps in the bath. She's a stinker, this girl of mine. :) Of course we'll repeat soon and see if it peaks her interest.
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