Thursday, July 8, 2010

Scat the Cat Color Game

I got this song from the preschool teacher at Q's school:

I'm Scat, the cat.
I'm sassy and I'm fat.
And I can change my colors
Just like that!! (snap fingers when you say "that")
Now I'm ______________

I wanted to make different-colored cats from felt, but I had trouble finding enough colors of felt. So plan B--I used the di-cut at school to cut out different colors of cats, laminated them, and put a velcro dot (the hook side) on the back of each cat. The brown cat is made from cardboard and has the fuzzy piece of velcro.

We start out by letting Q choose a cat to place on top of the brown cat.
Sing the song.
Each time, change the color of cat.

Q loves this game and also loves just playing with her cats.

I made the container to hold the pieces out of a cheese slice container. I peeled off the label, modge-podged some scrapbook paper onto the front to cover the stickyness I couldn't get off from the label, and it's a perfect fit for the cats! I know I will find other uses for it once we are done with the color cats.
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