Friday, July 30, 2010

Memory Verse Management

I had been trying to figure out a way to post Q's memory verse in a way everyone in the family could see it. Today it came to me! I dug out a pocket chart (originally purchased at a teacher supply store when I taught 1st grade). I folded it over to only show the number of lines needed for this week's verse (4). It has 8 rows in all, but I only wanted to display the number I needed. So I folded the extra 4 backwards. I used 4 really strong magnets under the flap created from folding, and it sticks to the fridge perfectly!
This week I found pictures of the signs for the main words in the verse and glued them next to the words: mouth, heart, happy, God, rock and redeemer. Quinn loves it and it is great reading skills because when we say the verse, I can point to the words and the pictures. I am starting to introduce her to the concept of one-to-one correspondance between spoken and written words by doing this. She is also relating the pictures to the words.

Older kids can have a little pointer (flyswatter, ruler, dowel rod, fairy wand, pencil, etc.) and point to each word themselves as the verse is read. Even older kids can have mom scramble the 4 lines and see if they can put it in order using the pictures or the words! Even OLDER kids can cut the words apart and put the verse in order word-by-word. If you do this, be sure to have an additional copy of the entire verse posted for reference!

It touches my heart so much to hear my little one repeating the words of God together with me! Hope you are finding a way to put scripture on your child's heart in your house!
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