Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sorting Collage

Today I introduced Quinn to the concept of sorting. I had cut pictures of dogs and cats (objects she is very familiar with) from some magazines. I got two different-colored pieces of paper and explained to her that dogs go on the pink paper and cats on the white. I then put several dots of glue on each paper (sometimes I let her do the glue part, but this time I wanted her to focus on the pictures so I applied the glue) and handed her the picture one by one. We talked about whether it was a cat or a dog. She could tell me the name (cat or dog), but she did not grasp the "sorting" concept. She made no differentiation between the two different papers. Of course this is fine, as we were simply introducing the concept and will revisit it again often! I guided her placement onto the right papers, and we will post them for her to look at, calling them the "dog paper" and the "cat paper."

She is SOOOO interested in gluing. We also made a collage of mowers from the Sears ad and another collage of familiar foods from the grocery store circulars. Q had fun applying her own glue for these collages! Of course she stuck her finger in the glue and then tasted it. After all, she IS 21 months! :)
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