Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fun with Music

We stumbled upon this great book at the Salvation Army a couple months back and it has come to be one of our very favorites. It ties in so nicely with my efforts to include more music in our days, as well! It's about monkeys that play the drums with their hands and thumbs, and the line on each page is "dum ditty, dum ditty, dum ditty dum." We couldn't help but find a "drum" to play along with this line! An empty laundry detergent bottle works great! Of course I had grand schemes about modge-podging cute scrapbook paper over the label. But Q loves to point to the orange on the front and also find the letters she knows in the words printed on the bottle. So I had to fight myself to allow her exposure to environmental print to trump my urge for aesthetics. :)

Q will randomly start one of the pages aloud to me, even when we are away from the book, wanting me to finish reciting it for her. I can already see that she is acquiring great concepts about rhythm, rhyme, body parts, vocabulary, memory, and comprehension. Also the book has a beautiful cadence the text follows that is so much fun to read aloud!!

I would definitely recommend checking this one out at the library!!
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