Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cats and Dogs Collage

Q loves dogs and cats, since we have one of each! I noticed this week's Walmart ad in our mailbox was all about pets. I cut a handful out, and Q had fun gluing them onto paper to make a collage today. We used a gluestick today. I verbalized each step of the gluing process as I guided her hand. "Turn over to the back....slide the glue all around....set the glue down....turn over the picture.....put it on the paper....pat, pat, pat it down....hold up the paper--did it stick?"
She was so proud to show Daddy when he got home! She likes pointing out the puppy's claws and collar and the kitty's paws--great vocabulary work!

Junkmail makes great impromptu art projects for toddlers!
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