Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Proverbs 1

My church is reading through the book of Proverbs, 1 chapter a day, in a quest to grow in wisdom. I love this endeavor, and the teacher in me couldn't resist the challenge of coming up with a quick lesson from each chapter for my little one's participation.

Proverbs was actually written for the young, so it has fabulous truths that I want my daughter to impress upon her heart. Many of these won't be applicable for several more years, but I've been encouraged to pray some specific prayers for her as I read through the chapters. I'll share a few of these as I post each chapter's lesson.

Chapter 1 has a great verse that says:

8 Listen, my son, to your father's instruction
and do not forsake your mother's teaching.

9 They will be a crown to grace your head
and a chain to adorn your neck.

So today's lesson--talk about what these verses mean, at a level my little one understands. For my 19 month-old this means simply explaining that God wants us to listen to the words of Mommy and Daddy and obey them. God says these words are as important as a crown. Obviously older children can go more into depth with the comparision between parental obedience and a crown.

After chatting, it's time to make a crown! We used pink paper, glued on jewels (I put the glue dots and kiddos applied the jewels), a construction paper oval (found in my embellishment box), and some pearl strands sticking off the top that I happened to have on hand. We just went through my craft things and chose items that would be pretty on a crown.

We wrote the verse (in simplified form) at the bottom of the crown:
"I listen to my Mommy and Daddy's words. They are a crown on my head!"

We had a friend over today that made a crown with us, and here's her creation:

Another extension would be to string beads on a string to make a "chain around the neck" to also fit with the verse.
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