Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Potty Training Book

I'm sorry, but there are a lot of hokey potty books out there for toddlers, in my opinion. Plus most of them have WAY too many words for most toddlers to listen to. I LOVE this book! It goes through a variety of animals that live at the zoo and how they poop (in a toddler-appropriate manner, of course!). My little one has recently gotten very interested in the dog poop in the yard and announces each instance of it, so this book was perfect for her! And...if you have taken your kids to the zoo, you know the poop is just about the most interesting item there! Forget the tigers and bears, check out that pile of dung! :)

At the end of the book it has a little boy sitting on the potty and talks about how people poop in the potty. Q loves saying "Poop in poppy" and pointing out the "flush," stool (as in step)," and toilet paper.

We got this at the library, of course!!
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