Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nature Fingerplays and Songs

Here are some of the songs and fingerplays and rhymes I am putting out for Q's nature unit. I will also find "Sing a Song of Sixpence," that I've used before and put that out on her rhyme board, as well. I just found pictures from the internet for the backs of all the rhyme/song cards.


Yellow, yellow daffodil, dancing in the sun..
oh yellow, yellow daffodil, you tell me spring has come.
I can hear a blue bird sing, and hear a robin call.
but yellow, yellow daffodil I love you most of all!

Little Seed
I'm a little flower seed.
I'm planted in the earth.
I feel the sun come down on me to warm this big old earth. (sit and tuck in heads and knees to look like a ball)
The rain begins to come and gets rid of my big thirst. (wiggle fingers in the air in a downward motion)
I then became a big and pretty flower so you can pick me first. (stand up)

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockle-shells,
And pretty maids all in a row.

Five Little Peas Fingerplay

Five little peas in a peapod pressed

(make fist)

One grew (hold one finger up)

Two grew (hold two fingers up)

So did all the rest! (hold all 5 fingers up)

They grew and the grew and they did not stop!

(raise hand up and up and up)

Until that little peapod finally went POP!

(clap hands together)

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