Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friend Photo Book

I have made Q a few of these at different times and she LOVES them! I just use the 4X6 lamination sheets in my little laminator.

First I cut scrapbook paper just a little smaller than 4X6. I print out photos of her little friends. I have used Word (on the computer) to type each friend's name on their picture, and I have also used letter stickers to put the name on the page. Then I laminate each page, punch a hole, and use a ring to bind it together. I have also used ribbon through the hole to tie the book together. It really works best to use two holes and two rings, as it makes the pages easier to turn. For this book I could only find 1 ring, so that's what I went with.

I blurred my nephew's name off his page, but you can see his for an example.

I have also made a similar book with family members. I will post pictures sometime soon!

If you didn't have a laminator you could use clear book tape, contact paper or go to a teacher supply store, where they will laminate for a very small fee.
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