Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Daddy time

Daddy does Q's evening routine--bath, books, and bedtime. I have to brag on him a little bit.

He is so good about encouraging Q to be independent and he practices this with her while they get ready for bathtime. While she's in the bath he is great about giving her all his attention. They "chat," he practices different skills she is learning such as counting or letters or kicking her feet in the water or blowing bubbles. She learns so much from Daddy during bathtime. After bath, he lays on her bed with her to cuddle and reads her 3-4 books. I always tell him he could be in a how-to video of how to read to your baby because he stops and provides opportunities for her to interact as he reads and always makes books interesting to her. After books he sits with her for just a minute or two to get her settled, and then leaves her to fall into dreamland.

I love that he makes the most out of the time he has with our little one every night, even though it's not that much time. I know this is a struggle all working parents face, and I am proud that he has found his groove and made time with her a priority. He's used the routine activities that must be done every night to teach her, love on her, and show her she's important to him.

Way to go, Daddy!
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