Saturday, May 15, 2010

Beginning colors and drawing tips...

When teaching colors to a toddler, I use art time as one of the tools through which to do this. I would recommend only putting out 2-3 colors at a time until the child knows those colors, then changing out to a few more, always having between 2-4 colors out at a time. Our rule (with a toddler) is that only one marker comes out at a time (or pens or crayons or whatever is being used). This reduces overstimulation, messiness and also helps focus the child's attention on the color being used. Markers are GREAT for fine moter and also write easier than pencils and crayons for toddlers because they don't have to push as hard.

Matt made this little marker holder out of a piece of log we had outside and his drill. You can also just use a small cup. Some teachers like to glue the marker lids in the holes, but I like to leave mine loose because of the fine motor practice they provide as the child matches the marker into the hole of the lid.

I also teach my kiddos to listen for the "click" that means the lid is on tight. Same thing with glue sticks, FYI.
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