Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Velcro Rabbit work

For this work I cut out two felt rabbits. I had a piece of orange webbing I had picked up on a walk one day. It was nasty, so we washed it and then I cut it into carrot shapes and sealed the edges with a lighter so they wouldn't frey. We always come home from our walks and runs with treasures in the storage compartment of our jogger. :) I love repurposing old junk. Anyhow, I sewed a felt top on the carrots and attached some velcro. The goal is for Q to attach the carrots on the purple dots. This teaches one-to-one correspondance, counting, science skills (rabbits eat carrots!), and fine motor.
I read an article recently on how using velcro is difficult for children for a little while because they have a hard time understanding that you have to match up a hook and a loop piece to get it to "stick."
This particular work only uses the hook side of the velcro, but I used the advice of the article and colored all the hooks one color (that I will stick with on any velcroing work) and I used the color I will eventually use on the loops--purple--to make the dots.
Later on when I add velcro to some of her blocks, coloring the velcro will help her know which pieces stick together!
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