Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Flannel Knot Rabbits

I saw these flannel knotted rabbits in an Easter display and fell in love. I knew I had to make Q some! I spent a bit of time tonight and figured them out via trial and error. Here's the tutorial if you'd like to whip up a rabbit! They only take a couple of minutes.
I love that they invite the child to extend their imagination. The general shape of a rabbit is there, but it is also very simple and the child engages the child's imagination instead of providing every detail for them. I also appreciate the soft richness of the flannel. A teething infant would enjoy chomping down on the rabbit and flannel would be fine for little mouths.
Start out with a 5X20 inch piece of flannel. It doesn't even have to be cut perfectly straight, so no worries!
Fold one corner across to the opposite side. On the other end fold the opposite corner across. It should make a parallelogram.

Gather up both of the pointed ends and hold them together in your fingers. (Pink dye on your fingertips is optional......)haha.

Tie an overhand knot by wrapping the points around the bottom and pulling through the middle.

Tuck any raw edges under and arrange ears to look "rabbitish."

I arranged Q's two rabbits in a little basket with some moss (from our tree).
Older children could make up stories about the rabbits.

I initially looked online to see if I could find the directions for these rabbits, but only found a more complex one that includes feet and paws. Here is that link if you are interested.
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