Friday, March 19, 2010


I put away the St. Patrick's day items on Q's work shelf and replaced them with a few more Easter things.
I found these paper-mache eggs at Michael's in a 6 pack for $1.99. I had saved a cardboard egg carton, so I cut it in half to hold the eggs for a matching, one-to-one correspondance activity. I kept the other half in case this side gets worn out or stepped on. :)
I always try to use work trays to organize and contain each set of items, and I like for them to be a contrasting color to the item so the work really shows up. I had to scrounge around for something that contrasted with these natural-colored eggs....found the baking sheet for our toaster oven! Perfect!
I love Easter decorations but hate the tacky plastic stuff that tends to come out at easter. Especially plastic eggs and plastic grass. I found these wooden goose eggs (bigger than regular eggs) also at Michael's. I really try to repurpose items I find for free or that we already have around the house, and when I do buy something to use in Q's curriculum, I try to choose something that can be used for a long time. I see these little eggs coming out every Easter for different purposes. I have a beautiful cut-glass egg plate that I know Q will enjoy using when she gets a bit bigger!
I want to try to dye these wooden eggs and am doing a little internet research for a method that won't stain our hands when the eggs dry and we work with them!

We are working on teaching Quinn about eggs--we talk about eating them, we look at pictures of birds hatching out of them in books, and we have some decorated ones around our house. She knows the word EGG and likes to point them out to us as we're out and about.
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