Sunday, February 14, 2010

Winter/Forest Life Books I recommend

Here are some books we used with our Forest Life/Winter unit:

Into the Woods is a great resource that shows the animals and fauna of the woods. It is organized like a scrapbook, which is neat, because it exposes children to a different genre of nonfiction. After reading this book it would be a great project to create your own scrapbook of drawings, specimens, photos, and information about the forest or even your backyard!
Into the Snow is a book about a birdfeeder in winter and all the different animals that come to it. It has sweet illustrations and would be neat to follow up with installing a bird feeder in your yard and recording what animals are seen near it. If your yard isn't a good place, local nature parks usually have birdfeeders with observation areas provided! We will make this book a yearly winter tradition!!!
This book has a beautiful story of friendship and sharing. The message in the story is that if you give away to others, often times you are blessed in return. In the story the hedgehog gives, not of his excess, but everything he has. This story would pair well with Biblical stories such as the Widow who feeds Elijah or the widow who gives her two talents at the temple. Another feature of this story is that the hat and scarf and mittens actually feel furry, which is so fun!

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