Saturday, February 6, 2010

One of my favorite teaching tools!

I love this little laminator! It costs around $20 at Walmart and you can buy various sizes of refill laminating paper there, too. I have all different sizes--8X10, 4X6 and little wallet-sized film. I love the laminator because it allows me to turn all sorts of items we have around the house into teaching tools. Every month I laminate some song or poem or fingerplays mounted on cardstock with a illustration on the other side. This allows Quinn to "read" the card using the illustration. She knows the one with the spider on the back is "Eensy Weensie Spider." This is a fabulous early-literacy skill! I also laminate photos I want to put on her bulletin board for her to access and I make little books by laminating pictures I printed on the computer, cut out of magazines or cut off the packaging from items we use around the house. For example I printed off farm animal pictures and made her a little book bound with a binder ring for her animal unit. In the fall I made her a leaf book with leaves glued to the pages and then laminated. She has a book called "Q's Pals" which has laminated photos of her little friends. This is one of her very favorite books!
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