Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Domino magnets

Even the fridge at our house is a learning place! I try to switch out the magnets in conjunction with the particular theme of the month or season/holiday. In January we were using a "forest animal" theme, and I didn't have any magnets corresponding to this. I printed out small photos using a Google image search....bird, hedgehog, rabbit, snake and black bear.
*trim to fit domino
*apply Modge Podge with a paintbrush to back of photo
*attach to back side of domino (side with no dots) and smooth out air bubbles, allow to dry 30 minutes
*apply a coat of Modge Podge over photo, especially covering edges to stick them down 'real good'; allow 30 min to dry
*apply second coat of Modge Podge, 30 min to dry
*use super glue to attach a round magnet to the back (magnets available at Walmart or any crafts store)

you can create any custom magnet and could even use photos of your child to give as gifts!
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