Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Book Shelf!!

Q, Aunt L and I took a trip to Ikea this week to pick up some curtains and just enjoy some girl-shopping time. We were in the "scratch and dent" room and spotted this gem near the back. We rounded up a worker and asked how much it was. He assurred us that there would be a price sticker on it somewhere. We looked and looked and never found one. I tried to convince him that must mean it was free. :) He went and asked about the price, and when he came back (with a decent price), Aunt L took twenty dollars off that and he said YES!! So we got this 6 ft high revolving lawyer's bookcase for a steal! I love that it displays books so that you can see all the covers. This is so important in enticing children to read. Also, I had thought I would take it apart down to the level that Q could reach, but after doing some thinking, I decided to put her books on the bottom, and the non-board library books we read together on the top. That way she can see them (and I can see them so I remember to read em!) but they are still safe from page-ripping!
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