Thursday, January 7, 2010

Brown Bear Work

Tonight I just finished up the last work item I plan on adding. I cut felt animals that match a few of those featured in Brown Bear by Bill Martin, Jr. and Eric Carle. I just went with four of them for now, and may add more later, depending on how Q does with them. We will practice matching the felt animals with those in the book, talk about the animal sounds, examine the colors, and see if she can name the animals. This book also offers predictive text which is fun and useful for preliteracy skills.
I made the felt animals by tracing those in the book with thin white paper, cutting out the paper, tracing onto felt, and cutting again!
I have my templates if anyone wants to borrow them.
If you don't have a feltboard, you need one! Get a piece of cardboard and some felt (I would just do one light color or solid black. Mine is two colors because it was a hand-me-down). Get some spray adhesive from the glue section at any craft store or walmart craft section. Spray cardboard, smooth felt across, and then cut with about a 2-inch border that you'll fold over and spray adhesive again!
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